Net Neutrality

So… I haven’t posted on here in ages but I have something extremely important to talk about that I won’t talk people’s ears off with. The FCC just repealed net neutrality. Now, first thing’s first. What is net neutrality? Net neutrality is like having equally fast, equally accessed highways. What the FCC’s repeal means is that big internet provider companies such as AT&T and Verizon could make different highways. Faster highways… with toll booths. They will have the ability to make these highways at any cost they want. Want to watch YouTube? That’ll be $80 a month for the entertainment package. Instagram? Facebook? Another $80 for the social media package. With these fast toll booth highways come slow “free” highways. They have speed bumps, traffic jams, and are just an absolute pain in the ass to deal with. Would you rather pay tons of money for high quality or be equal with everyone else? Think of everything you have now on the internet. Blogs, photos, realty, even friends. You’ll suddenly have to pay all those extra fees. We have one more chance to be equal online. To keep our access open to websites such as Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook, CNN, and yes, even pornhub. We have one more chance through congress. I’m not religious, but tonight I will be praying for net neutrality. This is something a higher power may be required for…


I’ve been quite dormant and I’ve decided that needs to change. I’m going to start writing more scripts. stories. and posts. If anyone has any requests, I’d love to hear them! I’ll be posting every Friday from this day on. 🙂

Being There.

Sometimes we go far away… whether its physically or mentally, nobody finds it fun or productive. When someone moves from their beloved town, they can be so far away and feel even further. Further from friends, memories, and experiences. Like a favorite coffee shop or dog park. Sometimes when something happens in our lives, we go away mentally. Our thoughts retreat into the back of our mind to heal or hide or sometimes both. Doubts I have when either Im distant or someone close to me is are some of the following: “Maybe he doesn’t love me anymore…” “Doesn’t want me around…” “I’ve done something wrong…”

The feeling of distance we get is awful and makes us feel absolutely distant and sometimes destroyed beyond the point of return. I promise you, this isn’t the case. Just under the surface of fear and doubt is the real underlying reason you or I may be separating ourselves from situations. I encourage you and I challenge myself to find the reason and overcome it. This may mean forgiving yourself, taking a break, or just taking a deep breath. Good luck.

Going through the rough patches

And it’s not only me. My partner is having issues in his own life that I won’t address since they are not my rough patches to talk through. Or rather, type through. I guess last night’s NyQuil has me drowsy and feeling rather eh, but I do have some things to get off my chest. I suppose it’s all a bunch of different things getting into my head and validating some things for me. I’ve hurt people and I’ve realized that even though I’ve forgiven myself for some things, that doesn’t mean other people have to as well. Some things I’ve done have impacted people more than I’d like to admit, but I’m admitting it all now. I can’t blame anyone else for my own mistakes and the consequences that came with and I do forgive myself for those mistakes, though it’s been a journey. I can’t force others to forgive me though. I can ask and plea, but it’s ultimately up to them. Anyway. Have a happy new year everyone!

Fixing this madness

I haven’t posted in a while and I’ve been made painfully aware that this is something that should change. So. Here I am. Posting. I’m not quite sure what’s been big in my life so…I guess let’s do another VIP q and a? Alright. Uhm. This week’s question is…………………………………………………….. wait for it……………………………………….What is your favorite mythical creature? Email me!!






lol butts


Answer me this my dears…

With Thanksgiving so quickly approaching and Christmas not far behind, it’s time to start thinking of others. As I’ve learned this year, we take so many things for granted. Money, homes, people, even our family. What are you all thankful for? Personally, I’m thankful for the boy in my life who has made me smile more in the last few months than I have all year, code name Fay. I couldn’t ask for a better companion and I hope he stays around. Go on and comment or even shoot me an email to tell me what makes you smile and appreciate the oxygen you breathe.

Calming myself down

So for whatever reason, today has been an anxiety filled day. I don’t exactly know why but it may have to do with this morning. I was changing out the razor blade in my razor so I could shave and I dropped all the brand new razors onto the ground of my shower, which yes I was in. I shave in the shower. Sue me. anyway,  dropped the blades onto my feet which of course sliced them up a little bit just on their way down. Startled, I jumped. In the shower. Luckily I didn’t fall, but I did thoroughly chop my feet up. I’m all nice and wrapped up now so don’t worry about me. But I used to have a pretty bloody (pun intended) past with self harm. I don’t know if the sight of fresh blood from cuts like that triggered me somehow or what, but I know that I’ve been on edge since. Everything seems to make me jump and flinch. My friend went in for a hug and I broke down because I thought he was about to hit me. In P.E., I had a bit of an anxiety attack and nearly passed out playing floor hockey. I was the goalie. Maybe that wasn’t the best idea with how competitive my class is. I don’t know…. But I wanted to share this with you all to help you move on from the tough days. Take a deep breath…. take another one, count to ten, and keep going.